
Haleigh’s Lifestyle Newborn Pictures – St. Louis Photographer

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Lifestyle Newborn

Little did we all know when I first met Sarah and Alex not even a year ago that I would be taking their precious daughter’s newborn pictures this September!  Oh, what a journey these three have been on!

When Sarah and Alex hopped out of their truck late last fall for their engagement session, I knew I would love them.  Laid back and tons of fun, these two were clearly the perfect pair.  Even though that was months ago, I remember laughing all through that session.  And as the pages on this past year’s calendar went flying by, they found themselves on quite a different journey than anyone would have expected.

So we land here, with the most precious tiny baby in their arms.  The little girl who made her debut much earlier than they planned.  But oh, what a strong girl she is, out of the NICU and spot on with all that growing and developing stuff.  And the SWEETEST little baby on the planet!  Then there is Sarah, putting in her own time at the hospital and walking through some of the toughest stuff no new mama should ever have to walk through.  Add in one strong Daddy and you have quite the family.

Yeah, this is the stuff real love is made of.  Side by side, in the trenches together kind of love.  Able to look forward to the other side of treatment and laugh about who’s hair will be longer come their wedding date next summer kind of love.  I was grateful to be in the middle of it for just a while one afternoon in September. The love, the exhaustion, the hope…all of it.

But for now, stay tuned.  This story isn’t over yet, as I should be bringing some more pictures in the months to come.  Wedding bells will be ringing next June.  And I, for one, can’t wait!  Until then, scroll on down to see some favorites of Haleigh’s lifestyle newborn pictures…




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